Collection: Mayana & Friends

Mayana & Friends is a proudly Filipino-Canadian brand, born from love and with a mission to celebrate and normalize differences. After the founder Anna’s kiddo was born with a congenital upper limb difference, Anna embarked on a journey to challenge norms. It became clear to her that many children’s stores were not particularly accepting or inclusive of difference. This realization led to a creative collaboration between Anna and her brother Allan (Bardagul), which resulted in the creation of the sweetest limb-different friend you’ll ever meet. We are a small business consisting of 1 mama & a 2 year old (we value her opinions!)

Educating our children about differences is the first step towards normalizing differences. Kiddos are curious and want to explore their world. It is up to us to teach them and we hope our Mayana & Friends can be a helpful resource & talking point. Some of us have two hands, some have one. Some have birthmarks, some have moles. Some have brown hair and some have blonde. Some have one leg, some have two, and some have none!

We are all different and that’s normal! Iba-iba tayo, ngunit pantay-pantay.

Let’s continue to support the normalization of differences and promote a more inclusive world.

1 product
  • Dougie Plushie
    Mayana & Friends
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